76 percent of Chinese aged 18 to 34 years attest to German companies a good to very good image as employers – almost one in five of those surveyed awarded the top mark. For the young Chinese, German companies thus rank clearly above those from the US, UK and France, only 1 in 10 of which were credited with a top image. These are the results from the “War for Talents 2014” study. The study on behalf of the Staufen business consultancy involved interviews with 3,000 young adults in Germany, China and Brazil. “The positive image of German employers in China is an important advantage in the highly competitive market for skilled labour” states Markus Franz, Director of the Staufen AG Academy Section. “Not only economic centres such as Shanghai, Beijing or Guangzhou, but all of China is affected by the ‘War for Talents’ for local skilled labour” Franz explains, who until 2013 served as Executive Director for Staufen AG in Shanghai – one of by now four locations of Staufen AG in China. “However, many Chinese graduates lack practical knowledge and experience which need to be imparted at the workplace as quickly as possible.” It is exactly for this important integration into professional practice that vocational training in Germany is widely recognised. In addition to public organisations such as export chambers of trade, German companies publicise this educational system across the globe, including in China. Some companies develop special dual systems and train their skilled specialists specifically to meet the company’s requirements. An important reason: it is obvious that the competition for skilled labour in China will further intensify. As the result of the one-child policy, a drop in the ratio of the labour force to the population as a whole is likely. “Companies that train their skilled specialists ‘fit for practice’, thus ensuring their loyalty and long-term commitment, will have an even greater advantage in the future” predicts China-expert Franz. “Consequently, induction and training on the job will become even more important. German companies have already established a very good image in this respect; of course, they also benefit from the consistently good reputation of German products and services.” Preserving this positive image must be a priority. The Staufen AG survey also shows that in the search for jobs young Chinese adults place greatest trust in recommendations by their peers and friends.