If you want to take the lead, you have to move.


In times of great change, new competencies are demanded of managers. In addition to being strategists and supervisors, they are now also in demand as organizational developers and mentors. The development of employees has become a central management task.

More than ever it takes a team effort, high performance teams, to master the current challenges and to make organizations capable of change and future viability.

We support you in the targeted establishment and implementation of new structures, processes, behaviors and models of collaboration, thus enabling your organization to achieve sustainable change.


  • Success in times of change: Transformation to an adaptive and learning organization
  • Leading in times of crisis: Focus, Speed, Impact
  • Leadership Excellence: leading yourself, others and the organization effectively
  • Improvement culture and best performance with Lean Leadership and shop floor management
  • High Performance Teams: clear goal, focus on success levers, collaboration with synergy
  • Agility: collaboration models, mindset, leadership, tools
  • Change Management: leading change programs to success
  • Customized qualification programs for leaders and improvement experts
Your Contact

Leo Fang

Senior Expert


Phone: +86 21 6441 7112

E-Mail: l.fang@staufen.cn

Don’t mandate changes from above.

We ENABLE managers and employees.

All of the services we offer have a clear objective: we enable managers and employees to successfully implement a sustainable culture of change at their company, which allows them to achieve peak performance. For this to happen, it is important to start at the very top. Every successful transformation involves jointly developing process-related and leadership competence as well as holistic approaches to thinking and acting. Our consultants work with you to make sure that your operating results and cashflow undergo changes for the better on a long-term basis.

We consistently develop our consulting services based on Lean principles and methods. In our decades of experience, we have found that this approach is the prerequisite to creating a dynamic and sustainable culture of change. Management and work strategies based on Lean principles prevent waste, increase the productivity of your organization, and improve the quality of your products.

A teachable organization needs its people to be willing to change their habits, procedures and behaviors. This is why from the very outset, we created our Academy for the professional development of managers and employees. Take a look at our services in the field of leadership and strategy, and above all, see what we have to offer you.


In an increasingly competitive market environment, one critical factor to your success is giving your employees and managers training and ongoing professional development. Using detailed analyses, we work with your managers to coordinate customized coaching modules that guide them through real-life applications and offer them strategic professional development.

Furthermore, the Certified Lean Leader training program also provides training that gives its alumni practical competence in leadership and Lean methods. After all, for a company’s transformation to be truly sustainable, it not only has to integrate Lean principles into its processes but demonstrate these principles through Lean Leadership.

It would be naive to believe that in everyday life, managers all enthusiastically embrace change. Expressing reservations and even feeling resistance to change is completely normal. This is why it is important for there to be a fundamental understanding of how to develop consistent values and attitudes as well as actively modeling the desired behavior. After all, nothing does more damage than managers who have to tie themselves into figurative knots and only play the part of the Lean Leader in front of their employees.

The success of a Lean transformation at your company stands and falls with the mindset and performance of your managers. With the help of our training program for Certified Lean Leaders, you can develop your own Lean Leader to pave the way to peak performance in your area of responsibility. The Lean Leader guarantees that Lean method competence will be sustainably anchored at your company. The Lean Leader sets the course and creates the structure needed for optimal collaborative work while also encouraging and demanding continuous improvement. By helping employees become qualified, Lean Leaders assist them as they learn and develop.

By implementing shop floor management, you are promoting the consistent development of your company’s processes and procedures right where everything happens. Decisions are reached much more rapidly and solutions implemented directly when the managers are present on site and focusing on non-compliance from corporate standards.

Introducing shop floor management is far more than simply using techniques that support your work. It also entails a high degree of discipline and consistency throughout the entire management team. Managers are guided and empowered as they make their way to a new understanding of leadership.

With shop floor management, you ensure Lean success while also ensuring a new corporate culture. This approach means that work at your company is defined by more straightforward management instruments, better communication, and greater competence and responsibility among all the staff.

Digitales Shopfloor Board ValueStreamer GmbH

Over the past years, Staufen AG has held a unique market position in the area of Shop Floor Management as a leading consulting firm.

In consulting projects, we found that classic paper-based Shop Floor Management is increasingly reaching its limits. In view of increasingly complex and global value chains, Shop Floor Management also requires global availability of data in real time – without media disruptions – even from an agility perspective. This allows customers to react to changes faster and with foresight.

6 years ago we recognized the signs of the times. Based on our many years of experience with Shop Floor Management from countless projects, we developed a solution to meet current challenges. ValueStreamer® as a management, visualization and collaboration tool combines the advantages of digitization and Shop Floor Management in a practice-oriented manner. This creates transparency, structured deviation management by eliminating errors or problems in the cascade, and agile control of projects, processes, tasks and teams.

To create a successful and sustainable Lean transformation, companies have to organize a link between top-down and bottom-up approaches. The solution here is called “hoshin kanri,” which translates as strategic direction setting. Also known as policy deployment, the hoshin kanri approach involves the consistent cascading of goals derived from the corporate vision.

Hoshin kanri is a kind of navigation system for corporate development. At its core, it involves a strategic development in which the main drivers of development and their impact are systematically analyzed.   It begins by defining a company-wide vision and includes defining breakthrough and annual goals, analyzing driving forces and planning and conducting events all the way to assessments in regularly scheduled reviews.

Before the goals evolve vertically in the organization, they are aligned horizontally along top management. The cross-functional perspective enhances an understanding of all functions and improves the value stream. This is how hoshin kanri clearly distinguishes itself from (general) management philosophies that involve simple mandates and goal achievement on the basis of management by objectives (MbO). The contrast between the two approaches also marks a kind of paradigm shift: In the past, leadership — even in a Lean environment — was regarded mainly as a field where different methods were deployed. But Lean Leadership also focuses primarily on excellence in management and behavior.

The “honcho” is a professional manager and oversees one phase of the process chain which typically consists of five to seven employees. Honchos ensure production capability using short-cycle assessments and visualizations. Determining the output quantity and comparing it to the production plan makes non-compliance directly apparent. Countermeasures are initiated before the non-compliance can become a problem. If a standard is not met, the honcho trains the employee(s) in question and ensures that the standard is fulfilled. If it still cannot be met, the honcho then initiates a structured problem-solving process to identify the cause of the problem.

Honchos can be regarded as the “standard bearer,” meaning they automatically create the conditions needed for continuous improvement. Honchos are in fact constantly identifying improvement potential and implementing optimizations — for example, by supporting employees in maintaining their pace, eliminating minor disruptions, or stepping in when there are unscheduled absences.

In other words, honchos only have a value-added function in exceptional situations, but the wide-scale improvements they generate more than make up for that, as well-established honcho systems show. The best thing? Practical experience has indicated that rarely does a company have to increase resources to implement this operational level of hierarchy. These persons are often already present within the existing system.

The term “kata” is a Japanese word; in martial arts, it refers to a position or attitude. In the context of management, kata means the regular improvements done by employees. This approach is supported by a supervisor serving as a mentor. The result is a culture of improvement with routines which allow employees to gradually move towards a particular target.

Kata changes how employees and managers interpret leadership. The concept focuses on the corporate behaviors that are practiced every day at a company. It invites managers and employees to interact with one another on a deeper level. The outcome is leadership performance with an emphasis on stable processes, structured problem-solving and CIP – all key factors to competitive success.

Kata is a holistic approach which both requires and promotes discipline. It has to be integrated into the existing Lean Management system to leverage the full potential of these improvement routines.

What makes the world different today? Economic change is demonstrably becoming more volatile. What we decide or think today may be outdated tomorrow. Business thrives on uncertainties, but these uncertainties also hold the potential for growth.

How can companies position themselves in the future and refresh their reaction speed? We answer these questions with our approach to deploying agility in business. We take a holistic and systemic view of the enterprise, and we consider the context of each organization.

Frameworks such as Scrum, Kanban and agile shop floor management are usually the first step in making agile working methods visible and learning from them. However, they represent only a small part of the bigger picture. In order to make the company fit for the future, change must be target-oriented and purposeful. The aim is to adapt the company to the requirements of the market and to use agile working methods and structures sensibly. 

Better collaborative work
  • simple and standardized communications across all sites without global boundaries.
  • sustainable and structured problem solving
  • more efficient communication and greater self-discipline in teams
Fast and simple processes
  • effective collaborative work through structured communications and decision-making processes
  • shorter reaction times to non-compliance
Transparency across every level
  • unequivocal depictions of optimization potential and results
  • transparent visualization of information and KPIs across all levels of corporate hierarchy
  • increased transparency of target vs. actual states and their tendencies
Increases in effectivity and efficiency
  • targeted non-compliance management and effective utilization of resources
  • Optimal use of resources and more robust processes

How adaptable is your company?

Change Readiness Check

The COVID-19 pandemic had many companies under pressure to make decisions. They were quick to do what had in the past been discussed for a long time – for example, working from home or quickly setting up a B2B online store. Many companies implemented changes quickly and consistently. However, change should not only happen during crises, but should be part of the company’s day-to-day operations regardless of the situation. What can companies do to achieve this?

We have developed the “Self-Check Change Readiness” to help answer this question. It is based on our established “Change Readiness Index (CRI),” an empirical instrument used to assess a company’s ability to change. It takes a look at the central building blocks of an organization and uses them to derive how capable it is to adapt to change and how strongly it can respond to a dynamic environment.

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Staufen Whitepaper: Leadership Excellence

EFFECTIVe leadership in times of change

MORE ABOUT Leadership, organizational & personnel development

Lean Leader Training

The success of the Lean transformation at your company stands and falls with the mindset and abilities of your management. Develop your own Lean Leaders who will pave the way to peak performance in your field of responsibility – with the help of our training to be a Certified Lean Leader. The Lean Leader guarantees that Lean method competence will be sustainably anchored at your company.

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Without Freudenberg, the air in indoor rooms would not be as pure, cars would not drive and wounds would not heal as quickly. And these are only three examples illustrating thousands of applications.

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