From “Doing Agile” to “Being Agile”
Holistic training program for agile leaders
The future is volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous (VUCA) – most companies agree on this because the influences of digital transformation are both equally fast-moving and challenging. Shorter innovation and development cycles, higher demands on individualization, and increasing networking of value creation are ubiquitous influencing factors that we are confronted with in the modern VUCA world. To meet these challenges, companies must respond to the changing environment quickly and efficiently.
The Corona pandemic has shown that the adaptability of organizations is a crucial factor for success. The main motto is: If an organization positions itself flexibly and establishes an agile mindset in its employees, it is well equipped to deal with high levels of complexity and uncertainty. Through Agile Leader training, you will acquire the necessary tools to start and accompany the rewarding journey towards becoming an agile organization.
Lean and agile – a holistic approach to developing your agile organization
“Doing Agile” by using Scrum, Kanban, and other agile methods is already anchored in many companies. But to what extent have these companies embarked on the “Being Agile” journey? What were their first steps? What does that mean for you? Have you already started to rethink hierarchical structures in your company and align yourself with agile principles? How would you rate your leadership philosophy and organizational culture in terms of adaptability? Our experience shows that the full development of agility lies not in agile methods alone, but in an agile attitude and leadership.
We therefore do not rely exclusively on individual methods but focus on the sustainable agile transformation of your organization. With our holistic perspective and consistent orientation on the value stream, we optimize your value creation processes step by step and thereby achieve measurable improvement in performance. In doing so, we draw on expertise from more than 25 years of experience in the context of business transformations, with a strong focus on Lean Management. Content overlaps, for example, increased transparency and clear communication processes as well as the reduction of waste, can thus be integrated into your transformation process in a targeted manner. The use of lean elements forms the cornerstone on the path towards becoming a flexible and market-oriented organization.
Optional add-on modules
Anchoring an agile organization in the long term based on training alone can be challenging. To ensure the effectiveness of the training content, we consider subsequent reflection with our experienced coaches to be beneficial. We therefore recommend supplementing your training with individual coaching, where your specific company’s challenges can be reflected upon in a protected environment.
The Staufen Academy
The continuous development of people in organizations has always been close to our heart at our Academy. We would like to encourage you to promote the topic “learning organization” in your area of responsibility! It is indispensable for today’s world. Our new Academy program offers you customized formats and relevant topics.
Is this training for you?
We will be happy to advise you via e-mail or telephone at: +86 21 64417112

Ada Zhang
Academy & Marketing Manager
Phone: +86 13897944977
E-Mail: ada.zhang@staufen.cn