Study: The Future of Training & Development
How managers, those responsible for personnel development, and employees work together to ensure effective training and development
The Staufen 2023 study “The Future of Training” reveals that employees, managers, and those responsible for professional development must work together to design a continuous learning process and advance further training and development effectively.

Study: Green Transformation in Mechanical and Plant Engineering
In mechanical engineering, experts currently see three megatrends, which must be combined at companies. Sustainability, digitalization, and systems engineering. According to expert opinions, in order to be able to guarantee comprehensive sustainability, mechanical engineering must work symbiotically with its customers. It is only possible to tackle systematic tasks such as the circular economy by uniting system builders and operators.
So that the green transformation succeeds, companies and their suppliers must cooperate more closely and increase their readiness for transformation. As the results of the study show, it’s likely that not all companies will succeed.

Study: Green Transformation 2021
There’s no more hesitating when it comes to the green transformation – a harsh realization the industry has had to come to terms with. Companies like to believe they’re at an advantage over other industries. Yet, despite their marked success, the following still remains true: the automotive industry is not going to evolve into an exemplary green industry overnight. It’s a long – and, to a degree, also very arduous – process. However, increasingly stringent requirements and growing societal pressure have set a process in motion that is gradually but surely accelerating.
The path to emission- and CO2-free production will require the industry to reflect on their core strengths: an engineering spirit, courage, and commitment.

Study: Restructuring 2021
The Road to Success is a constant Construction Site
The spectrum of challenges to be mastered at the same time ranges from digitalization and corporate and leadership culture to cost and financing issues. Predictive restructuring is the key to ensuring that these factors that impact the success of a company do not turn into major construction sites that have to be managed simultaneously.
In essence, it is about establishing a clear process that holistically puts the future viability of their own company to the test. And to do so when there are no clearly visible cracks.

Study: Collaboration 2021
In our “Collaboration” study, we delved deeper into collaboration as a factor for success: We were curious about how companies organize collaboration in difficult times to stay on track. In cooperation with Valuestreamer, we surveyed 326 German companies in spring 2021. For international cross-comparison, companies from China, Brazil and Central Eastern Europe also participated in the survey.

Study: Success in Change
In companies, structure, processes, management and corporate culture as well as employees and their qualifications must adapt towards change, only then can technological solutions promise success. The study “Success in Change – Hungary” shows that there is still room for improvement in these areas in the Hungarian economy. Companies are not yet ready for rapid changes.
Study: Best Strategy 2020
What is the secret to long-term corporate success?
We have decoded the DNA of the model companies and our analysis has identified recurring parameters in these top enterprises. They can be bundled together to form the 7 characteristics of the world market leaders.

Study: Fokus on the workplace 2020
Of the satisfied employees, 66% stated that nice colleagues were responsible for liking their job. 63% noted interesting tasks, and almost 50% said it was due to a good salary. Only 23% of employees attributed their satisfaction to good leaders. Accordingly, only about one in five employees fully considers their supervisor as part of the team. The rest still feel they are partially or even exclusively being led by a traditional boss, who remains distant to the team.
Study: Green Transformation in the automobile industry 2020
The potential for ecologically sustainable management has yet to be exhausted in the automotive industry Nine out of ten companies still have some catching up to do in this regard, as is clearly shown in the recent study “Green Transformation in the Automotive Industry”. To find out, the automotive experts at the management consultancy Staufen surveyed more than 250 OEMs and suppliers from the automotive industry in Germany.

Study: Digitalization 2020
A study from Staufen AG and Staufen Digital Neonex GmbH
For more than two decades, digitalization has been influencing our society, making everyday life much easier, speeding up our economy, and enabling new business models and sources of profit. Nevertheless, the power of persistence was previously much greater than the need to introduce long overdue change – precisely in processing industry….

International Study: Reset after the Shutdown 2020
Measures introduced around the world to contain the Covid-19 pandemic are developing into a long-term stress test for the industry. 56 percent of companies assume that they will not be able to resume work like before the shutdown until the end of the year at the earliest, or even over the course of next year. According to the current study “New start after the 2020 shutdown,” however, seven percent of companies fear they will not be able to hold out that long. Management consultancy Staufen interviewed more than 730 companies in April for the study. Participants came from Germany, USA, China, Brazil, Mexico, Switzerland, Italy, Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Romania.
Study: German Industry 4.0 Index 2019
As part of the German Industry 4.0 Index 2019, consulting firm Staufen AG and Staufen Digital Neonex GmbH surveyed a total of 323 companies in Germany on the topic of Industry 4.0 and digitization. The survey was conducted in July 2019. Nearly 70 percent of the companies surveyed are in the mechanical and plant engineering, electrical engineering, and automotive industries.

Study: Aero Space 2019: Leadership in times of change
LEADERSHIP IN TIMES OF CHANGE: For the study “Aerospace 2019 – Leader-ship in times of change,” the consulting company Staufen together with the Federal Association of the German Aerospace Industry (BDLI) surveyed a total of 72 executives from the aerospace industry in Germany in early 2019.Every second respondent in the study comes from top management, meaning an owner, director or executive manager.

Study: Success in Change 2019: German Change Readiness Index 2019
The Staufen business consultancy surveyed a total of 421 companies in Germany on the subject of “Success in Change” for the German “Change Readiness Index 2019.” The survey took place in the spring of 2019 and was conducted a second time in 2017.

Study: German Industry 4.0 Index 2018
A study from Staufen AG and Staufen Digital Neonex GmbH – For the “German Industry 4.0 Index 2018,” business consultancy Staufen AG and Staufen Digital Neonex GmbH surveyed a total of 450 companies in Germany on the topic of Industry 4.0. The survey was conducted in mid-2018. A good two thirds of the companies surveyed come from the mechanical and plant engineering, electrical engineering and automotive industries.

Study Best Strategy 2018: What global market leaders in Germany do better
For the spring 2018 “Best Strategy 2018: What global market leaders in Germany do better,” the corporate consultant Staufen conducted a survey of a total of 210 German companies that were global market leaders either in their industry or in their segment. 40% of these companies are global players with annual sales of over €500 million. Of those who responded in the survey, 42% were owners, members of the executive board or CEOs, and another 38% were division heads. The companies predominantly represented the automotive industry, mechanical and plant engineering, and the electronic industry.
Study: Sucess in Change 2017
For the “Change Readiness Index 2017”, Staufen Consultancy surveyed a total of 658 companies in Germany on the topic of “Success in Transformation” in the spring of 2017. More than 60 percent of the companies surveyed are in the mechanical and plant engineering, electronics and automobile industries.

Study: German Industry 4.0 Index 2017
For the German Industry 4.0 Index 2017, Staufen AG, together with Staufen Digital Neonex GmbH, surveyed a total of 394 German companies. More than 70 percent of the companies surveyed were from the mechanical and plant engineering, automotive and electronics industry.

Study on northeastern China 2016 (German)
The German industry is continuing to set its sites on strong growth in China. The companies which are already present on the Chinese market intend to expand significantly: within a decade, a solid quarter of them plan to generate up to half of their total revenue in China. These were the findings of the Staufen site study which surveyed over 400 managers from German manufacturing companies.
Study Industry Monitor: Innovation 2016
Three-quarters of German manufacturers currently report that they are under major pressure to innovate. The companies most strongly affected are the electroindustry, the automotive industry and mechanical and plant engineering. For eight in ten companies, successful innovations are more important today than they were in the past, according to the results of a survey of 168 German manufacturers.
Study: Lean Purchasing 2016 (German)
Cost considerations often play only a secondary role in purchasing for German manufacturers. Only 41% of companies with over 1,000 employees calculate a detailed total cost of ownership in selecting their suppliers. This figure is even lower among smaller companies — a mere 24%. Staufen polled over 100 manufacturing companies in Germany for this research.

Management Summary: Study Lean Service in Mechanical and Plant Engineering 2016
German experts in mechanical and plant engineering continue to prioritize classic services – and they do not make full use of the innovative potential of digitization. Only one in ten companies consistently take a proactive approach, continuously review their mechanical processes on the client side and take action before difficulties can cause mechanical downtime. The survey covered 154 companies in the mechanical and plant engineering industry.
Study: German Industry 4.0 Index 2016
The German Industry 4.0 Index grew for the second year in a row. In the meantime, four in ten companies have had direct experience with smart industry. The index, which was generated for the third time, was commissioned by Staufen and surveyed 277 businesses in Germany.

Management Summary: German Industry 4.0 Index 2016
The German Industry 4.0 Index grew for the second year in a row. In the meantime, four in ten companies have had direct experience with smart industry. The index, which was generated for the third time, was commissioned by Staufen and surveyed 277 businesses in Germany.
Study Industry Monitor: Innovation 2015 (German)
The German industry is failing to leverage its innovative potential: Nine in ten manufacturers report the pressure of increasing the numbers of new developments and accelerating their development times. The necessary framework is often not in place to put these goals into practice, however. In almost one in every three companies, work on innovations takes place during overtime or after office hours. And nearly two-thirds of German manufacturers regard themselves as pioneers in the field of innovation. These were the findings of the Industry Monitor: Innovation 2015.
Study: Aviation 2015
The German aviation industry will transfer more and more of its development and processing capacities to Asia in the years ahead. There is the threat of local plants closing, especially among the larger players in the field, according to the findings of the 2015 aviation study. Staufen and the German Aerospace Industries Association (BDLI) spoke to over 100 manufacturers in the German aviation industry.

Study China – Industry 4.0 Index 2015
In the meantime, half of all Chinese manufacturers have the topic of intelligent factories on their agenda. And 80% of Swiss manufacturing companies are convinced that Industry 4.0 will be linked to major commercial success for them, according to the findings of an international study entitled “Industry 4.0 Index 2015.” A total of 329 manufacturers in Switzerland, Germany and China were surveyed for the index, which was conducted in the summer of 2015.
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In times of rapid, sometimes even disruptive change, an organization’s ability to adapt and change is the success factor par excellence. Without a finely tuned culture of change that promotes a pioneering spirit and personal responsibility, it will not be possible to successfully anticipate future developments. In our podcast, business leaders and innovators discuss the challenges ahead as well as new ways and opportunities to flexibly adapt to them.
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