Inside every company, there is a better one. These case studies are an illustration of how Staufen can help you find that better company. Learn more about the challenges and obstacles other companies have confronted — and how Staufen helped them overcome them.

Discover what is possible with lean-transformation instruments, and allow yourself to be inspired about what your own company can achieve.

Lufthansa Technik Logistik Services

Lufthansa Technik Logistik Services (LTLS), a fully-owned subsidiary of Lufthansa Technik, is one of the leading suppliers of logistics solutions for the aviation industry. The greatest cost factor here is time. With global growth propelling LTLS forward, by 2012 the moment had come for them to increase the efficiency and flexibility of their processes.

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MTU Aero Engines

As a manufacturer of engines, MTU Aero Engines is part of a global industry – and despite its international activity, it still feels very much at home in Germany. To be prepared to hold its own against international competitors in the future, the company felt a growing pressure to review its in-house processes.

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Even after the successful completion of the project, we have remained in close contact with many of them. Some are also Staufen’s BestPractice partners.

Our services

Leadership, Organizational & Personnel Development

All of the services we offer have a clear objective: we enable managers and employees to successfully implement a sustainable culture of change at their company, which allows them to achieve peak performance. For this to happen, it is important to start at the very top. Every successful transformation involves jointly developing process-related and leadership competence as well as holistic approaches to thinking and acting. Our consultants work with you to make sure that your operating results and cashflow undergo changes for the better on a long-term basis.

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Digitalization & Industry 4.0

Intelligent Industry 4.0 production processes can be applied to accomplish a variety of objectives. These include achieving greater productivity and efficiency, fulfilling consumer specifications faster and more expediently, and developing brand-new industrial products and business models. Small and mid-sized companies often have a particular need for this kind of consulting and guidance.

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Performance Improvement & Restructuring

Companies face special challenges when confronted with crisis situations such as an upcoming restructuring or reorganization. These phases are often defined by stressful in-house discussions about the potential causes of the crisis, a lack of clarity about the necessary countermeasures, insecurity about future perspectives, and critical conversations with banks and investors about further economic development and financing. In times such as these, expedient and rapid decisions and consistent actions are needed. Within the shortest time possible, our consultants provide comprehensive transparency by performing a technically solid and objective assessment of your baseline situation.

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Supply Chain Network Management

We are thoroughly knowledgeable about the supply-chain matrix and have a solid command of every level of its requirements. We support you in optimizing your supply-chain processes, structures and networks, and in doing so we always focus on achieving the ideal output for the entire process. By initially focusing on fast and sustainable successes in pilot areas, we create a momentum towards change that optimizes the entire process.

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Operations Management

There is hardly any other corporate function in which employees can be taught the role of added value and waste as practically and quickly as in production. Optimization is used as the basis for helping Lean philosophy permeate the entire production process, and from there it affects the whole company.

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